Thursday, October 31, 2019

The Role of Jim in Huckleberry Finn Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The Role of Jim in Huckleberry Finn - Essay Example We meet Jim in the second chapter, in a role next to only Huck. He remains throughout a 'noble cause and an ignoble foil' in Twain's masterpiece supposed to be a departure from usual European literary work, which was initially denounced for the irrepressible need of better treatment to slaves. It used frontier humor, vernacular speech and according to Ernest Hemingway, is the novel from which "all modern American literature comes. There has been nothing as good since." Ralph Ellison defends Twain's presentation of Jim as ""not only a slave but a human being, a man who in some ways have to be enviedJim is drawn in all his ignorance, and superstition, with his good traits, and bad. He like all men, is ambiguous, limited in circumstances, but not in possibility," Callahan (1995, p.88). Twain presents natural justice and raises the characters above the prevailing selfishness of society and racism. While doing so, he introduces perhaps one of the most endearing characters to literary world rivaled only by his protagonists, Huck and Tom for reader's affection. "The test and proof of natural goodness, which raises Jim and Huck above religious hypocrisy and selfish romanticism, is its transforming power upon him. The fear-ridden slave becomes in the end a source of moral energy. The shifting of Jim's shape is reversed at the end, as he sinks back from his heroism to become the bewildered freed darky of reconstruction days, grateful to the young white boss for that guilt-payment of forty dollars," Mensh (2000, pp.110-111). When most African Americans were depicted as fools, superstitious, ignorant and idiotic, Twain dares to initiate a diverse characterization in Jim, who, from being a humble servant, goes up to be the savior of both boys, traveling the distance with ease and kindness. "He embodies all the qualities-loyalty, faith, love, compassion, strength, wisdom-of the dynamic hero, and his willingness to sacrifice his freedom and his life for two young boys establishes him as a classic benevolent character",pageNum-94.html Huck becomes the inheritor of Jim's worthy qualities, an entirely different angle where a white boy learns generosity and kindness from a slave black. Jim's ability to predict the storm shows the inherent simply cleverness, even though uneducated and roughly used. The runaway black slave, fearing for his freedom, with entire world against him, reveals several things about himself, subtly showing that slaves are human, as human or perhaps more human than their American owners, and value their freedom and yearn to be treated in a humanitarian way. The message is loud and clean that Twain wanted slavery to perish. An aggressive message would not have been so suitable. "The 'fury' is certainly an important element in Huckleberry Finn, but it is not itself patently active; it is subsumed into the whole critical and poetic view of the human condition so wonderfully resented in the book," Grant (1962, p.80). It is surprising to note how reader thinks more often about Jim and less of

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Disability Assignment Essay Example for Free

Disability Assignment Essay Ageism has been addressed and there have been many solutions made to help stop it. The ADA was established to stop the discrimination of the disabled, which many elderly people are. The Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) was established to protect workers 40 years of age or older from being fired because of their age and replaced with younger workers who presumably would receive lower salaries. None of these have been a miracle, but they have slowed down the discrimination of the elderly. The Supreme Court ruled in favor of Meachan v. Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory stating that employers under ADEA had to prove that laying off older workers wasn’t based on age but â€Å"some reasonable factor† (Schaefer, 2012). Is the number of aging population expected to rise in numbers or decrease? The number of the aging population is expected to rise in numbers. According to  The Demographics Of Aging  (2009), today, one out of every 9 Americans is old—another former youth turns 50 every 8 seconds. Those age 65 and older now exceed 35 million, a number poised to explode. The upcoming aging population will be different from those of past decades. They will live longer, maintain better  health  and have more active life styles than previous generations. With the increase in the elderly population comes the need for more Social Security, disability and medical care. This could affect the economy in a negative way. †¢ What types of legislation may or may not be affected by the aging population? I think Bills will be affected by the aging population because they will need to be enforced more. There are many Bills and laws that have been passed for the equal rights and fair treatment of the elderly. There are many private and public bills that I am sure will be enforced more with the increase in the elderly population. With the rise of the elderly, there will be a rise in voting also. More elderly people vote during an election year than any other age group. These are the only two ways that I can think of that would be affected by the ageing population. How does poverty affect the ageing population? Many elderly people live right at the poverty level because of all the expenses they have. Prescriptions, doctor’s appointments, housing, etc. are all expenses that elderly people have to pay for every month. Most elderly people have insuran ce, such as Medicare, but this doesn’t always pay for all the medical expenses they incur. Poverty can affect the ageing population in negative ways. They can become stressed that they might not be able to pay all their bills, which can lead to health issues. If Social Security benefits did not exist, an estimated 44%  of the elderly would be poor today, assuming no changes in behavior (Cawthorne,  2008). There are many in the ageing population who are still working today because they don’t have the means to retire. With the downfall of the economy, many have to come out of retirement and become employed again because their government benefits aren’t enough. Part III †¢ How have people with disabilities been treated in the past? The disabled population has been treated very unfairly in the past. They are discriminated against and are shown prejudice because of their state. Many were denied employment because of their disabilities and public venues didn’t have the proper means to accommodate a disabled person. Some disabled individuals were treated like they had a disease. They were given dirty looks or were stared at like they were a zoo animal. The disabled were left in institutions or homes to live out the rest of their lives because no one wanted to â€Å"deal† with them. They weren’t given the same treatment as the non-disabled. There were also cases of parents of a disabled child being told they were better off â€Å"putting them out of their misery† because there weren’t very many resources available. All of this treatment led to the passing of laws and the creation of many organizations to help the disabled receive fair treatment. †¢ How has the attitude toward people with disabilities changed over time? The attitude toward and treatment of people with disabilities has changed drastically over time. Since the introduction of the ADA, which is the Americans with Disabilities Act, the disabled have been receiving equal rights and have been able to fight against discrimination. Almost every public venue has the means to accommodate the disabled, such as a wheelchair ramp or automatic opening doors. There are events now made specifically for the disabled so they can still be a part of their community, like the Special Olympics and charity events. My nephew has Down Syndrome and they have a special baseball league every summer that he participates in called the â€Å"Miracle League†. People are embraced more for their disabilities instead of being shunned. There is much more technology available in order to keep the disabled active and social. Also, with the passing of the ADA, there are more disabled individuals gaining employment. Granted, the jobs they acquire aren’t top level executives, but they do provide them with a sense of security and pride. †¢ What are some unique circumstances or issues encountered by people with disabilities? There are quite a few unique circumstances or issues that I can think of encountered by people with disabilities. If the disabled individual is in a wheelchair, they have many obstacles they have to overcome. They are the first to board an airplane since they take the longest to get on the plane. When they go through metal detectors, they have to be wanded afterwards because they go off every time. Disabled individuals with any kind of physical disability have a harder time moving around places and enjoying the same recreational activities as a person without a physical disability. Individuals who are blind have braile on signs and also can’t enjoy the same activities that the seeing population can. Disabilities to me are a unique circumstance in itself that other individuals have to be kind and respectful about. †¢ What is being done to address those issues? The ADA has been passed which prevents the discrimination of the disabled. They cannot be discriminated in the workforce, restaurants, transportation, etc. There have been many disabled individuals who have fought with the basis of the ADA behind them. There are resources that can be used by the disabled in order to make their lives easier, such as wheelchair ramps. These things make the lives of the disabled much easier. There is also Social Security Disability available for those who cannot work and need the income to live. †¢ What types of legislation have been introduced to address issues faced by people with disabilities? There are many types of legislation that have been introduced to help the disabled. The ADA, which I have already discussed in previous answers, protects the disabled from prejudice and discrimination. The Developmental Disabilities Assistance Bill of Rights Act (DD Act) ensures that individuals with developmental disabilities and their families have access to community-based services and supports to promote opportunities for independence, productivity and inclusion. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) is a law ensuring services to children with disabilities throughout the nation. IDEA governs how states and public agencies provide early intervention, special education and related services to eligible infants, toddlers, children and youth with disabilities. The Rehabilitation Act (Rehab Act) authorizes the formula grant programs of vocational rehabilitation, supported employment, independent living, and client assistance. It also authorizes a variety of training and service discretionary grants administered by the Rehabilitation Services Administration.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

The Effect of Technology on Globalization

The Effect of Technology on Globalization Technology is understood to be the driving force of globalization that began in the 18th century and has continued ever since to the 21st century, in-between three industrial revolutions have taken place. The 1st industrialization revolution was in the 18th century that took place in manufacturing industries. The 2nd industrialization revolution was in the services industries. The 3rd industrialization revolution of the 21st century which we are going through is know as information age as described by Adam Smith. This technological development has helped globalise the world economy and it is also known as the Kondrative long Wave process (K-wave)  [3]  . As the diagram below shows:- The diagram describes the tends of technological changes that have taken place since the industrialization revolution, relating from production, distribution and communication, that has fuelled the globalization. It has brought about innovation and interaction between nations that werent possible before. That has led to some of the greatest invention that revolutionized trade, communication and interaction to a whole new level and increased globalization .As Thomas Friedmans said Globalization is not a choice. Basically, 80% of it is driven by technology  [4]  . According to Cable (1995) Transportation costs are falling with improved physical communication with the help of improved technological advances in telecommunication, computing, fibre optics and satellites.  [5]  Which has resulted in the speeding up of information flow and the transportation of goods across nations more quickly and efficiently . This is being achieved through the technologies mentioned above, that is at the heart of the communication and transportation globalization, which is ongoing. Joseph Schumpeter has called it a glaze of creative distraction  [6]  . Take for instance transportation system wouldnt have been made possible without the invention off steam engine in 1796 a problem solved by James Watts  [7] The diffusion of steam engine technology to streamline ships, with the help of propulsion technology and the introduction of Jet Aircraft in 1950s brought about new dynamics of globalization which has allowed flexibility in movement of labour freely. This innovation has allowed massive economic expansion to take place and caused Global Shrinkage, in terms of distances. As the Diagram below illustrates on how travelling distances have been reduced over time and made world smaller: The diagram shows the Global Shrinkage: the effect of changing transportation technologies on Real distances  [8]  . Improvements made in transportation and the development of containerization allowed goods to move from place to place and continent to continents ever since its launch in 1956 to move goods from Newark, New Jersey to Houston Texas through the Gulf of Mexico  [9]  . Shipping ports around the world have cranes built to lift the containers more efficiently and thus saving money and speeding trade. Compare to pre-containership era of 1960s where trade was slow and unreliable that also fall due to bad weather or thieves. As Economist Paul Kurgnam says that the result is new economic geography requiring new theories of location and trade. The changes have been both technological and political  [10]  . Technological development has helped increased globalization. A prime example of technological globalization is that China and India have benefited economically as technologies like airplane, container ships have allowed China to export its goods to Europe and US vice versa and allowed countries to exploit their comparative advantage in trade. Article named The container that changed the world published by Virginia Postrel in New York times re-enforces the point that Low transport costs help make it economically sensible for a factory in China to produce Barbie dolls with Japanese hair, Taiwanese plastics and American colorants, and ship them off to eager girls all over the world, writes Marc Levinson in The Box: How the Shipping Container Made the World Smaller and the World Economy Bigger  [11]  . According to Kondrative Wave (K Wave) system we are in the fifth cycle that is known as the Information Age. The Internet /World Wide Web has been the biggest thing to come out of Information technology advancements. That has revolutionized how information is passed or its availability thus creating an economy based on knowledge. The Internet has been described as a decentralized, global medium of communication comprising a global web of linked networks and computers.  [12]  As people across countries can trade and communicate instantaneously economically, for example e-mail has allowed instant communication through the World Wide Web, World Wide Web on the other has made World One as countries can now trade with each other, all made possible due to the cost effectiveness technological advance like the internet /world wide web. Where information is been exchanged at a global level instantaneously. As Information is the new mantra that spells success in the modern world  [13] Technology like the Internet has given rise to E-commerce; E-commerce that refers to business conducted through means of electronic communication networks like Internet. That has brought about new dynamics to the globalization of businesses. Where virtual business can be set up and trade worldwide without any barriers stopping them. For example business like Amazon, Borders and eBay that have sprung up because of Internet have transformed the way small business operate and have given opportunity to individuals to enter these global markets. As Internet help provides a cheaper faster way of communication between business and its consumers worldwide. Another sector that has seen the biggest impact because of technological globalization is the financial sector, where diffusion of information based technology has made possible people around the world to trade 24/7 trading has moved to electronic system from the physical system making money move more efficiently and on a faster level, thus allowing more participation of those people who are connected with the internet. Technology has also impacted the cultural globalization with inventions like telephone and television. Telephone has made it feasible for any one to talk to each other regardless of where they are geographically in the world, all made possible with the help of satellites and mobile phones that has made possible to make a call, receive e-mail, texts and even allow video call. It is due to technological advancements made in the field of communication, as seen no countries are now really apart. All made possible due to technological breakthrough in communication that have revolutionized business, commerce, and linked millions of people. TV on the other hand has connected parts of world, where they feel and see without having to leave the room. On TVS by just a touch of the remote button, that allows people to explore worlds on different channels it is made available because of Internet, communication advances and with the help of sounds and visual that are transmitted through the TV. Co mmunication technology has brought the world closer and people closer regardless of where they are in the world. We have found out that form the 1st industrial revolution Technology has had a great impact in the globalization as it help join the world together, where distance is no barrier for trade and is considered to be an essential part of economic globalization activity. As Friedman pointed out that 80% of globalization is technology driven. The technological development made in areas like communication and the invention of telephone and Mobile phones all with the help of satellites has made help removed the time and distance that has excited before. Transportation on the other hand has allowed trade to take place more efficiently and cost effectively with the help of the containerships, Jet Airplane and electric trains. It has helped facilitated growth between nations, as countries are able to take advantage of their comparative advantages as large goods can be exported and imported between countries. The spread of information technology has made production networks cheaper and easier, all made possible because of digital networks like the Internet that is cost effective. This has been one of the fundamental economic globalization factors that have helped overcome the friction of distance and time. Without these technological advancements globalization would not be made possible or even achieved As the K-Wave shows the types of technologic advances at different stages of industrialization and there economic impact that all began in the late 18th century.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Death, Life and Identity :: essays research papers

<a href="">Sam Vaknin's Psychology, Philosophy, Economics and Foreign Affairs Web Sites A classical point of departure in defining Death, seems to be Life itself. Death is perceived either as a cessation of Life - or as a "transit zone", on the way to a continuation of Life by other means. While the former presents a disjunction, the latter is a continuum, Death being nothing but a corridor into another plane of existence (the hereafter). Another, logically more rigorous approach, would be to ask "Who is Dead" when Death occurs. In other words, an identity of the Dying (=it which "commits" Death) is essential in defining Death. But what are the means to establish an unambiguous, unequivocal identity? Is an identity established through the use of quantitative parameters? Is it dependent, for instance, upon the number of discrete units which comprise the functioning whole? If so, where is the level at which useful distinctions and observations are replaced by useless scholastic mind-warps? Example: if we study a human identity - should it be defined by the number and organization of its limbs, its cells, its atoms? The cells in a human body are replaced (with the exception of the cells of the nervous system) every 5 years. Would this imply that we gain a new identity each time this cycle is completed? Adopting this course of thinking leads to absurd results: When humans die, the replacement rate of their cells is infinitely reduced. Does this mean that their identity is better and longer preserved once dead? No one would agree with this. Death is tantamount to a loss of identity - not to its preservation. So, a qualitative yardstick is required. We can start by asking will the identity change - if we change someone's' brain by another's? "He is not the same" - we say of someone with a brain injury. If a partial alteration of the brain causes such sea change (however partial) in the determinants of identity - it seems safe to assume that a replacement of one's brain by another will result in a total change of identity, to the point of its abolition and replacement by another. If the brain is the locus of identity, we should be able to assert that when (the cells of) all the other organs of the body are replaced (with the exception of the brain) - the identity will remain the same.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Discussion of the theoretical and practical implications

criminology school of interpretation of crime The focal point of this paper is to present a discussion on the theoretical and practical implications under Marxist criminology school of interpretation of crime. This is to identify and evaluate the basic perception of crime from a perception of the Marxist philosophy. It can well be ascertained that Critical Criminology is moving on towards a new school of perception that originated during the advent of the 1990s. Under this parameter Marxism is completely excluded as it is regarded as element of the old school by the new interpreters of criminology. However, it can also be mentioned that in spite of this theoretical shift in a fundamental sense Marxism is still a useful medium of interpretation of state intervention of crime along with ascertaining criminal justice system and crime analysis. It would be interesting to know that according to Stuart Russell, â€Å"as the hallucinatory effects of postmodernism wear off along with the illusions many still harbour that capitalism has a future, Marxism will once again be able to play the pivotal role it rightfully deserves in Critical Criminology.† (Russell, 130, 2) In the same context it is relevant to mention that though the method of analysis and class division interpretation system is an effective measure of evaluation of crime with capital based approach of breakdown of problems, Marxism, however, lacks the current up gradation needed for the 21st century. At the same time it is important to juxtapose the basic principals of other school of philosophies with the basic philosophies of Marxism to harvest better result in the overall sense. Thus a combination of Post-Critical Criminology and new Critical Criminology could be extremely fruitful in this context. (Kar, 241, 3-4) On the other hand the ideas of Regina Austin can also be taken into consideration where it is argued that there are certain racial inequalities within the judiciary system. Regina Austin mentions that the basic problem starts with the discriminating act by the government and this discrimination by the law ultimately leads to the point when the deprived community starts disobeying the law or judiciary system altogether as they bear little or no faith in the system. (Austin, 301, 2) it can be well ascertained that with the application of Marxist criminology this part of the unwanted judiciary system can well be eradicated. Thus the importance of Marxist philosophy within the parameters of criminology remains relevant till date and it would be most helpful to depend on the perception of Marxism in this context of studies. (Lamb, 32, 1) In the conclusion it would be relevant to quote Stuart Russell who mentions that â€Å"despite the cynical pronouncements of those who have prematurely buried Marxism, there is great hope for the future of Marxism in Critical Criminology.† (Russell, 130, 2) It is true that the relevance of Marxism in the field of Critical Criminology is yet to be utilized in its full extent but with better formulation and updated interpretation it is possible to reach its optimum point with positive impacts. However, it should also be noted that the formulation should be done with proper methodology that should be based upon the initial affirmative concepts of Marxism with proper implementation and alignment with the 21st century. (King, 143, 5) References: Russell, Stuart; The Continuing Relevance of Marxism to Critical Criminology; Critical criminology, Vol.11, No.2 (May) 2002. Richmond, BC: American Society of Criminology, Division on Critical Criminology, c1996-. pp.113-135. Austin, Regina; â€Å"The Black Community†, Its Lawbreakers, and a Politics of Identification; Critical race theory: the cutting edge / edited by Richard Delgado. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1995. Pp.293-303. Kar, P; History of Psychology and related application of Psychology; Dasgupta & Chatterjee. 2006. Pg. 241 King, H; Criminology Today; HBT & Brooks Ltd. 2001. Pg. 143 Lamb, Davis; Cult to Culture: The Development of Civilization on the Strategic Strata; National Book Trust. 2004. Pg. 32 (I am unable to use the third pdf article as it has been found to be decoded wrongly or is corrupted- as there is very little time to communicate and rectify I am giving it a go with the existing 2 pdfs. Plus I have incorporated 3 more books to defend the paper)

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Ways to Serve Others This Christmas

Ways to Serve Others This Christmas Christmas is the season of giving; since our schedules offer so much flexibility, homeschooling families often have the availability to give back to their community during the holiday season. If you and your family have been considering service opportunities, try any of these 11 ways to serve others this Christmas. Serve Meals at a Soup Kitchen Call your local soup kitchen or homeless shelter to schedule a time to go serve meals. You might also inquire if they are low on any specific supply needs. This time of year many organizations host food drives, so their pantry may be full, but there may be other items that need to be restocked such as bandages, blankets, or personal hygiene items. Sing Carols at a Nursing Home Gather your family and a few friends to go sing Christmas carols at a nursing home. Ask if it’s okay to bring baked goods or wrapped candy to share with the residents. Spend some time before you go making homemade Christmas homemade cards to deliver or buy a box of assorted cards to share. Sometimes nursing homes are overwhelmed with groups that want to visit during the holiday season, so you may want to see if there are other ways that you can help or better times to visit. Adopt Someone Choose a child, grandparent, single mom, or family who is struggling this year and purchase gifts or groceries or deliver a meal. If you don’t know someone personally, you can ask local agencies and organizations that work with needy families. Pay Someone’s Utility Bill Inquire at the utility company to see if you can pay the electric, gas, or water bill for someone who is struggling. Due to privacy factors, you may not be able to pay a specific bill, but there is often a fund to which you can donate. You might also check with the Department of Family and Children’s Services. Bake a Meal or Treats for Someone Leave a little snack bag in the mailbox with a note for your mail carrier, or put a basket of snacks, soft drinks, and bottled water on the porch with a note inviting delivery people to help themselves. That’s sure to be a greatly appreciated gesture during the busy holiday season You can also call your local hospital and see if you could deliver a meal or snacks and drinks to the ICU waiting room or hospitality room for the families of patients. Leave a Generous Tip for Your Server at Restaurants We sometimes hear of people leaving a tip of $100 or even $1000 or more. That’s fantastic if you can afford to do that, but just tipping above the traditional 15-20% can be greatly appreciated during the holiday season.   Donate to the Bell Ringers The men and women ringing bells in front of stores are often recipients of the services offered by the organization for whom they’re collecting. The donations are typically used to operate homeless shelters and after-school and substance abuse programs and to provide meals and toys to needy families at Christmas. Help the Homeless Consider making bags to give out to homeless people. Fill a gallon-size storage bag with items such as gloves, a beanie, small juice boxes or water bottles, non-perishable ready-to-eat food items, lip balm, facial tissues, restaurant gifts cards, or prepaid phone cards. You might also consider giving blankets or a sleeping bag. Perhaps an even better way to help the homeless community is to  contact an organization that works directly with the homeless  and find out what they need. Often, these organizations can stretch monetary donations farther by purchasing in bulk or working with complementary organizations. Do Housework or Yard Work for Someone Rake leaves, shovel snow, clean house, or do laundry for someone who could use the extra help. You might consider a sick or elderly neighbor or a new or single parent. Obviously, you’ll have to make arrangements to do housework, but yard work can be done as a complete surprise. Take a Hot Beverage to People Working in the Cold Police officers directing traffic, mail carriers, bell ringers, or anyone else working out in the cold this Christmas season will appreciate a cup of hot cocoa, coffee, tea, or cider. Even if they don’t drink it, they’ll enjoy using it as a hand warmer for a little while.   Pay for Someone’s Meal at a Restaurant Paying for someone’s meal in a restaurant or the car behind you in the drive-thru is a fun random act of kindness any of time of year, but it’s often especially appreciated at Christmas when money is  tight for  many families.   Whether youre investing your time, your financial resources, or both to serve others this holiday season, youll likely find that its you and your family who are blessed by serving others.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Baking Powder essays

Baking Powder essays Baking powder is a fine white powder used for making cakes, biscuits, and it is also used in toothpaste (World Book, 1968). Baking powder is normally made up of three different parts: an acid, a base and a filler of some sort. The uses of baking powder are numerous. The key to baking powder is its release of carbon dioxide ( Baking powder has had a long-term mystique in toothpastes, there are varying opinions as to its effectiveness ( Baking powder is a mixture: an acid, such as cream of tartar, a base, such as baking soda, and a filler, such as corn starch. The baking soda is also known as sodium bicarbonate, with the chemical formula NaHCO3. Cream of tartar, also known as tartrate salt, has the formula KHC4H4O6. The reaction is NaHCo3 + KHC4H4O6 KnaC4H4O6 +H2O + CO2 Some baking powders also contain sodium aluminum sulfate: NaAl(SO4)2. The reaction here is: NaAl(SO4)2 + 3 NaHCO3 Al(OH)3 + 2 Na2So4 + 3 CO2. As you can tell, one of the byproducts from both reactions occurring in the different types of baking powder is CO2, or carbon dioxide ( The use of baking powder in toothpaste is attributed to the bicarbonate, which can reduce the acidity in plaque, thereby reducing tooth decay ( The use of baking powder in cooking is for its quick reaction time. Bubbles of gas get caught in the flour mixture. The heat of baking expands the bubbles. They push against the flour mixture to make it rise (World Book, 1968). Baking powder is a very interesting compound that everyone has in his or her house. Its uses are end less every thing from baking and toothpaste to home made deodorant and air freshener. ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Expressions with Turn

Expressions with Turn Expressions with Turn Expressions with Turn By Maeve Maddox I find the word turn, its usage, and its derivatives tricky at times. Can we elaborate on  turn please? My first reaction to this reader’s suggestion was, â€Å"what can possibly be said about turn that would fill a post?† But then I started typing all the â€Å"turn† expressions I could think of and came up with dozens. Next I went to the OED online edition and despaired of ever scrolling to the bottom of the entry for turn as a verb. In my Compact OED print edition, I counted 34 columns devoted to turn. What a word! Let’s look at a few of its uses of turn as a verb. The verb turn has been in English for a thousand years. Old English tyrnan and turnian came from Latin tornÄ re, â€Å"to turn in a lathe.† Latin got it from a Greek word for a carpenter’s tool used to draw circles. In modern English, the basic meaning of turn is â€Å"to cause to move around.† A wheel turns; faucets turn. Carpenters turn wood on a tool called a lathe. Idioms used with turn can have many different meanings, both literal and figurative. Sleepers turn over in bed. People with a decision to make turn it over in their minds. In January, many people turn over a new leaf, and in April, taxpayers turn over a portion of their earnings to the IRS. Weary folk turn in for the night, vampires turn into bats, and informers turn against their associates and turn them in. Lights and machinery are turned on and turned off. In historical novels, criminals are also â€Å"turned off,† i.e., hanged. Old people turn up the heat; their children turn it down. Hotel maids turn down bedspreads, and wealthy actors turn down roles. When we think we have nowhere to turn, something always turns up and things turn out for the best. Turn is often coupled with body parts. Politicians turn a deaf ear, beautiful women turn heads, angry people turn their backs, a misstep causes someone to turn an ankle, bad smells turn our stomachs, andwhen we diewe turn up our toes. Readers (and people wanting a fresh start) turn the page, farmers turn the soil, resourceful heroes turn the tables on their enemies, and entrepreneurs turn a profit. Now it’s your turn. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Expressions category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:45 Synonyms for â€Å"Food†In Search of a 4-Dot Ellipsis35 Synonyms for Rain and Snow

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Man and Computer Symbiosis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Man and Computer Symbiosis - Essay Example Preface analyses point out that the symbiotic partnership will execute logical operations a lot more efficiently than man single-handedly can do them. Fundamentals for the achievement of the effectual, supportive association comprise developments in computer time distribution, in memory mechanism, in memory association, in programming languages, and in input and output tools. Man-computer symbiosis is a subset of man-machine setups. There are a lot of man-machine setups. Presently, yet, there are no man-computer symbioses. The expectation is that, in a few years, human thinking and computing technology will be joined in concert very strongly, and that the consequential company will think as human mind has never thought and process facts in a manner not moved toward by the data handling machines which is known at the present time. Nowadays computers are designed mainly to solve pre formulated problems or to process data in regards to prearranged processes. The way of the computation can be conditional upon consequences acquired throughout the computation, but all the substitutes must be foretold earlier. If an unanticipated alternative occurs, the entire process stops the progress of and waits for the required extension of the program. The necessity for pre formulation or predetermination has occasionally no great drawback. It is frequently said that programming for a computing machine compels everyone to think visibly, that it controls the thinking process. If the user can think his problem beforehand, symbiotic connection with a computing machine is not essential. Though, various problems that can be considered earlier are very hard to think through beforehand. They would be simple to solve, and they might be solved quicker, during an instinctively guided trial and error process in which the computer collab orate, lengthen errors in the reasoning or exposing unforeseen twists in the solution. Further troubles cleanly cannot be prepared without computing machine abet. Poi-care expected the disturbance of an imperative group of probable computer users. One of the leading goals of man and computer symbiosis is to take the computing machine efficiently into the formularize elements of technological problems. The other major aim is strongly linked. It is to bring computing machines efficiently into procedures of thinking that must continue in actual time, time that travels very fast to allow using computers in traditional ways. Visualize trying, for instance, to direct a battle with the help of a computer on such an agenda as this. You prepare your problem in the present day. Tomorrow you use up with a programmer. After a week the computer gives over 2 to 5 minutes to bring together your program and 50 seconds to analyzing the solution to your problem. You obtain a piece of paper 15 feet long, filled with numbers that, instead of having an ultimate solution, only recommend a method that should be searched by imitation. Undoubtedly, the fight or battle would be ended earlier than the second step in its preparation was started. To imagine in contact with a computer in the similar means that you consider with a partner whose capability increase your own will call for very much tight combinat ion among man and

Friday, October 18, 2019

Domestic Violence Against Women In 2010 Has A Greater Affect Than It Dissertation

Domestic Violence Against Women In 2010 Has A Greater Affect Than It Did 50 years ago - Dissertation Example The research is intended to reflect more meaning than might be found through quantitative research with deeper meanings emerging through conversational style interviews with five participants. The participant pool consisted of three women and two men who had been involved in male violence upon female victims. Through these interviews, an understanding of the discourse about the topic emerged. The topic has been examined through a literature review of relevant secondary resources and through primary research of five interviews that were collated into case studies to provide context for emerging themes. In looking at the previous research and the case studies, the concepts that are within the public discourse emerge and become a framework in which to understand why violence against women is perpetuated and has not come to its end. Acknowledgements Table of Contents Abstract Acknowledgements Table of Contents 1. Introduction 1.1 Background 1.2 Theoretical Frameworks 1.3 Research Questio ns 1.4 Hypotheses 2. Literature Review 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Fifty Years Ago 2.2.1 Feminism 2.2.2 Violence 2.3 Media 2.4 Public Discourse 3. Methodology 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Secondary Research 3.3 Primary Research 3.3.1 Participants 3.3.2 Ethics 3.5 Summary 4. Findings and Discussion 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Case Study # 1: Female 4.3 Case Study # 2: Female 4.4 Case Study # 3: Female 4.5 Case Study # 4: Male 4.6 Case Study # 5: Male 4.7 Summary 5.0 Conclusion References Appendices List of Appendices Appendix 1: Questions for Interviews Appendix 2: Contextual Frameworks: Potency vs. Width Domestic Violence Against Women In 2010 Has A Greater Affect Than It Did 50 years ago Chapter One 1. Introduction 1.1 Background The nature of gender relations have changed dramatically in the last fifty years which has framed the dialogue about violence against women in a different context than it was considered in previous time periods. The state of the female status has evolved from a sense of propert y to a sense of autonomy, the objectification of femaleness made subjective, part of the public sphere and relevant to all aspects of life. In being subjective, the nature of the female present is many things, her situated presence manifesting a number of roles that are both defined by the concept of female, and some by the concept of human. More rarely, she is a the subject of a male identity, her presence part of the discourse of gender role identification that are now virtually all interchangeable. However, this has not discounted the vulnerability of being female, her sex providing a violent access that males are not as vulnerable to in the context of domestic life. The domination of the male, his need to express his maleness through subjugating others in the domestic sphere, has led to violent outbursts that intend to define that dominance. When no other recourse seems available, some men will reduce their ability to convince into an action of violence, manifesting their domina nce through pain and oppression. Threat of further action brings the female into line, her life reduced to self-protection and in protecting other aspects of their life including children, reputation, and the appearance of tranquility. The postmodernists view male violence towards women through looking at the way in which gender divisions have been determined by linguistically framed, the language of violence encouraging aggression attitudes. The emphasis on typical language where power relationships are

Honesty Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Honesty - Research Paper Example In developing the concept of honesty, one finds that by going from the initial definition of the word honest to the cultural differences expressed in one different language, the true concept, of honesty requires the existence of human relations. The purpose of this paper is to prove the thesis that Honesty in the dictionary sense is not the best policy. The online dictionary definition of honesty implies "fairness and straightforwardness of conduct". The second definition is keeping to the facts: sincere. (Merriam-Webster) Fairness and sincerity are a contradiction. If an older child beat up his brother because his brother broke one of his games, the parent would admonish the violent reaction of the older brother over the younger brother's breaking the toy. Our society does not adhere to violence. The broken toy could have been an accident or a deliberate act. If his parents were sincere, they would ascertain as to why he broke the toy. If both boys were at fault, fairness would dictate that both would be punished. It is rarely the case as the punishment is different for each child and culturally given to the older of the twoIn reality, honesty is governed by a set of rules which go beyond our comprehension of the word. Most of us think that honesty exist. It exist if the rules are followed. In the second source, Mr Dougherty analys es Cringe comedians. He entitles his article Honesty is the best policy. (Dougherty ) People no longer want to spend time thinking through the significance of thought provoking jokes. We are in the "now" society. If it is not attained within 30 seconds, it is not worth it. Cringe comedians come up with one line jokes attacking the truths of life. They twitter their way thru the commentary of life's problems. Life can be split into two twits: alleviating the fears of life by throwing freezing water to chill the problem. A comedian who basis all his one line cringes on self deprecation makes at least one person in the audience feel that there is one person who is better off than the comedian . or the comedian has mastered the art of persona and gives members of the audience what they want to hear as each one has a different concept of honesty. The first comedian uses self deprecation to alleviate fear and the second comedian uses self deprecation to share honest aspects of the "person a". There are people in the audience who can relate to both sorts of tweets. The word tweet is used in a derogatory fashion to show the rapidity in which cringe comedians respond to humor. The concept of honesty is used as the dictionary describes as "straightforwardness" . This limits the point that there is a set of rules to the concept of honesty. As the previous source is somewhat weak, the following source is from a journal. The concept of honesty can be broken down into mathematical equations. A fundamental principal of man is that all human relations are based on the concept of honesty. As this is a rather grandiose principal, the writer has broken it down into equations. The concept of Honesty:

Financial Analysis Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Financial Analysis Report - Essay Example The auto industry is one of the largest and most profitable industries in the world. There are over one billion vehicles worldwide and in the United States there are approximately 240 million cars (Tencer, 2011). These vehicles often breakdown and require maintenance. Due to the massive amount of vehicles in the United States there is a huge demand for auto parts. One of the biggest players in the auto parts industry is AutoZone. AutoZone has been in business for over 30 years. The organization was founded in 1979. The company is committed to providing the best parts, prices and customer service in the automotive aftermarket industry (Autozoneinc, 2012). The company believes in the value of providing great service in order to increase its customer retention rate. Based on Pareto’s 80/20 rule firms obtain 80% of their business from 20% of their customers (Hafner, 2001). AutoZone is a publicly traded company sold in the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol AZO. The stock as of August 3, 2012 was selling at a price of $360.33 (Yahoo). The firm began to sell its stocks in the open market in 1991. The market capitalization of the company is $13.71 billion. Market capitalization is calculated by dividing total stocks outstanding by market price. The company is a member of the Fortune 500. The fact that AutoZone is a publicly traded company gives this firm an advantage in this industry due to the fact that the company always has the option of releasing a secondary stock offering to raise capital. The auto parts industry is extremely fragmented with thousands of independent auto parts stores across the nation. AutoZone has grown a lot since its inception 33 years ago. The company today is the market leader in the auto parts industry in the United States of America. The corporate headquarters of AutoZone are located at 123 S. Front St. Memphis, TN 38103 (Ecorporateoffices, 2012). The auto parts chain

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Culture and Careers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Culture and Careers - Essay Example Thailand is one of the most popular countries to visit. In cultural terms, there are several practices and beliefs that are rather distinct and different from Western societies. The traditional Thai greeting ‘wai’ is expressed with the two palms pressed together in a prayer like way. Acknowledging a ‘wai’ and returning is expected of everyone. Thai culture lays a significant amount of spiritual importance to certain parts of the human body. It is said that one should avoid pointing his or her feet at people, or even touching people with the feet, propping up the feet on tables, or stepping on people seated on the ground. In comparison, the head has much more importance and it is well-thought-out to be very rude to touch other people on the head. As well, it is said that people should not sit pillows since they are meant resting the head (Jones, 2003). The major religion which is followed in Thailand is Buddhism which is majorly influenced by the traditional beliefs which are associated with the ancestral and natural spirits. The belief of having spirits is incorporated in their Buddhist cosmology. On the basis of this belief Thai people own spirit and miniature houses which they believe contain live spirits. They provide food and drinks to such spirits which they believe keep them happy. According to the Thai people beliefs and their culture if these spirits are not happy they will impede the major portion of the household and will create chaos. Such spirit houses are found in public places and also on some of the streets of Thailand. In certain rural areas of Thailand, food is served while people are seated on the ground. Stepping over food is considered yet another very rude gesture and a source of immense embarrassment for a Thai host. At practically any place in Thailand, if one sees a pile of shoes at or close to the entrance of a home, shop, or a guest house, one should remove their own

Comparison of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution Essay

Comparison of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution - Essay Example The Constitution responds to that requirement. The most apparent forms of Constitutional response can be found in its architecture. Government powers are divided into executive, judicial, and legislative branches (Allen 1). The legislative takes the central position; it is well elaborated in Article 1 and it bears the most careful description of principles and powers of representation. This fulfills the Declaration concerns in which particular tyrannical oppressions are listed; the Declaration lists ten executive power violations, one judicial power violation, and fourteen legislative power violations. The legislative powers are listed in Article I, Section 8, and they serve as a template through which the charges made against the King may be assessed as mainly one or the other tendency. The Constitution offered protection where the experience written in the Declaration recognized dangers. A similar pattern is shown in the Bill of Rights, which opens with a strong limit, â€Å"Congr ess shall make no law †¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Allen 1). Both documents affirm that the legislative powers go back to the people. Every charge made against King can be transformed into positive assertions of the government’s obligations. ... The liberty of citizens entails free movement of a person into and out of the nation. The judicial power must be independent of the will of the executive, and they must be given the power to render justice to individuals. The citizens are not supposed to be burdened with the (excessive) need to sustain public officers. Public liberty and the military administration are not compatible, and the military ought to be subordinate to and reliant on the civil power (Allen 1). Second, both the Constitution and the Declaration hold the principle of equality. The most compelling evidence of the Constitution’s principles is offered in its architecture. Furthermore, considerable dimensions are contained in the tenor and the language of the document. The Preamble has generally been identified as keynoting the document in its recognition of â€Å"â€Å"We the People† as the authorizing power of the government established under the Constitution† (Allen 1). This responds to the instance made by the Declaration that the public good is the purpose of a limited constitutional union. Additionally, it further argues that the artificial and political bodies do not create the United States of America. It is the people who exercise a native God-given right have the ability to do so (Allen 1). It is important to note that the authorizing individuals are recognized in the document as fully entitled to serve within the government and to gain from its ministrations. The Constitution has its own terms, which determine an individual eligible to hold office. The individuals are distinguished based on citizenship restrictions and by reasonable age. The document does not admit any religious test, and no gender or race is excluded. In other words,

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Financial Analysis Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Financial Analysis Report - Essay Example The auto industry is one of the largest and most profitable industries in the world. There are over one billion vehicles worldwide and in the United States there are approximately 240 million cars (Tencer, 2011). These vehicles often breakdown and require maintenance. Due to the massive amount of vehicles in the United States there is a huge demand for auto parts. One of the biggest players in the auto parts industry is AutoZone. AutoZone has been in business for over 30 years. The organization was founded in 1979. The company is committed to providing the best parts, prices and customer service in the automotive aftermarket industry (Autozoneinc, 2012). The company believes in the value of providing great service in order to increase its customer retention rate. Based on Pareto’s 80/20 rule firms obtain 80% of their business from 20% of their customers (Hafner, 2001). AutoZone is a publicly traded company sold in the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol AZO. The stock as of August 3, 2012 was selling at a price of $360.33 (Yahoo). The firm began to sell its stocks in the open market in 1991. The market capitalization of the company is $13.71 billion. Market capitalization is calculated by dividing total stocks outstanding by market price. The company is a member of the Fortune 500. The fact that AutoZone is a publicly traded company gives this firm an advantage in this industry due to the fact that the company always has the option of releasing a secondary stock offering to raise capital. The auto parts industry is extremely fragmented with thousands of independent auto parts stores across the nation. AutoZone has grown a lot since its inception 33 years ago. The company today is the market leader in the auto parts industry in the United States of America. The corporate headquarters of AutoZone are located at 123 S. Front St. Memphis, TN 38103 (Ecorporateoffices, 2012). The auto parts chain

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Comparison of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution Essay

Comparison of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution - Essay Example The Constitution responds to that requirement. The most apparent forms of Constitutional response can be found in its architecture. Government powers are divided into executive, judicial, and legislative branches (Allen 1). The legislative takes the central position; it is well elaborated in Article 1 and it bears the most careful description of principles and powers of representation. This fulfills the Declaration concerns in which particular tyrannical oppressions are listed; the Declaration lists ten executive power violations, one judicial power violation, and fourteen legislative power violations. The legislative powers are listed in Article I, Section 8, and they serve as a template through which the charges made against the King may be assessed as mainly one or the other tendency. The Constitution offered protection where the experience written in the Declaration recognized dangers. A similar pattern is shown in the Bill of Rights, which opens with a strong limit, â€Å"Congr ess shall make no law †¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Allen 1). Both documents affirm that the legislative powers go back to the people. Every charge made against King can be transformed into positive assertions of the government’s obligations. ... The liberty of citizens entails free movement of a person into and out of the nation. The judicial power must be independent of the will of the executive, and they must be given the power to render justice to individuals. The citizens are not supposed to be burdened with the (excessive) need to sustain public officers. Public liberty and the military administration are not compatible, and the military ought to be subordinate to and reliant on the civil power (Allen 1). Second, both the Constitution and the Declaration hold the principle of equality. The most compelling evidence of the Constitution’s principles is offered in its architecture. Furthermore, considerable dimensions are contained in the tenor and the language of the document. The Preamble has generally been identified as keynoting the document in its recognition of â€Å"â€Å"We the People† as the authorizing power of the government established under the Constitution† (Allen 1). This responds to the instance made by the Declaration that the public good is the purpose of a limited constitutional union. Additionally, it further argues that the artificial and political bodies do not create the United States of America. It is the people who exercise a native God-given right have the ability to do so (Allen 1). It is important to note that the authorizing individuals are recognized in the document as fully entitled to serve within the government and to gain from its ministrations. The Constitution has its own terms, which determine an individual eligible to hold office. The individuals are distinguished based on citizenship restrictions and by reasonable age. The document does not admit any religious test, and no gender or race is excluded. In other words,

Race and Color Discrimination Essay Example for Free

Race and Color Discrimination Essay Who are the major people that had made a different in the race and color movement? What as society done to improve the way to perceive other people that do not have the same color or race as us? This are all major questions people have in mind when trying to solve Racism affects people lives in many ways depending on race, gender, amp; class though gender usually goes with sexism. Though there have been many efforts to reduce its power it is still in life. Today there are still efforts being made and some have been successful such the racial boundaries Barack Obama has crossed despite being biracial and how many people are taking a stand. Racism today seems to affect mainly African Americans as some people are very prejudiced against them such as the Ku Klux Klan whose power may not be as strong as it once was still exists. The other ways that African Americans are affected are stereotypes. There countless even for other races for example me. I have mistaken to be Indian a lot of times and sometimes still am even though I am Bangladeshi. Some stereotypes for other races would be the Chinese and Japanese they are sometimes expected to be smart, have squinty eyes, and be a workaholic while they may be not. I know someone who is partly Japanese she does not seem to have squinty eyes nor is she a workaholic. Racism also comes to everyone’s lives through the way we exposed to it. For example go to some place and then be shut out because of the color of your skin or be cast out because youre Asian, African-American, or even middle eastern. For now that is all I can say but if youre not satisfied please leave a message on my bio page and/or improve it yourself in anyways you can.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Impact of Social Media On Graphic Designers

Impact of Social Media On Graphic Designers The emergence and popularity of online social networks in recent years has changed the Internet ecosystem leading to a more collaborative environment. Nowadays, hundreds of millions of Internet users participate in social networks, form communities, produce and consume media content in revolutionary ways Introduction The internet is basically about people but it is recently seen differently in comparatively terms. Currently, the transformation that is tossing both the worldwide web and the numerous markets that depend and feed on it is possibly in economic terms a correction that is forcing it into being a web of people or a community that utilise websites as communication channels to interact with other people (Fraser Dutta, 2010). In view of this, the composition of the internet has been taking over by web 2.0. Social media can be described as a vehicle for the sharing and cooperative creation of information by individuals and communities (Hansen et al 2010). It particularly depicts online communication tools and applications. Features of a social media platform may include: Collaboration it promote interaction and contribution by audience. It provides an alternative way of transmitting information. Thus, social media tools particularly promote and support feedback, comments, and sharing of information. Community social media furnishes an infrastructure for interaction among existing communities and the formation and interaction of primarily or exclusively web-based communities around common interests or goals. Connectedness social media helps to connect people and information in one place. Web 2.0 is often talked about in the same breath as social media. Web 2.0 is a term that is used to define the evolution of the World Wide Web. While there isnt a hard and fast line between Web 1.0 and Web 2.0, Web 1.0 can be understood to represent a web as information model and Web 2.0 to represent a web as participation model of web activity (Cormode Krishnamurthy, 2008). Characterized by the creation and interaction with content, users take part and collaborate through virtual communities and social media tools which help easy sharing of information and ideas. Examples of social technologies used to create social media include those from communication (such as Blogs), collaboration (such as Wikis), communities (such as Facebook), reviews and opinion (such as Amazon reader review) and multimedia (such as YouTube). On the web, social networks are contained versions of blog network which are spreading out in different directions. To join a social network, users normally create a profile and then build a network by connecting to friends and contacts in the network, or by inviting real-world contacts and friends to join the social network (Goodings2010). These communities retain the interest of their members by being useful to them and providing services that are entertaining or help them to expand their networks (Booth, 2008). Such networks provide an extremely suitable space to instantly share multimedia information between individuals and their neighbours in the social graph. Social networks provide a powerful reflection of the structure and dynamics of the society of the 21st century and the interaction of the Internet generation with both technology and other people (Kumar, 2012). Social Media platforms are not new and almost every graphic designer is reasonably aware of it uses, benefits and effects it. It is a complex web and one shared link leads a graphic designer to another. Generally, individuals from all walks of life are engaged in the use of social media. Similarly, graphic designers patronise social media websites and many of them are reasonably fond on one or more of the social networks. However, noticeably, the current developments and challenges in graphic designing show that, social media has turned to be more of a requirement for almost every graphic designer. Currently, industries, institutions, corporate organizations, government and non-governmental organizations are changing their concentration towards social media for its ability to publicise and promote their interests and activities. With this development, the graphic design industry is no exclusion of this new development as most graphic designers employ the services of social media in one way or the other. By using social media, graphic designers share their views and their designing work and provide useful feedback to each other. Every new development in technology has its own advantages and disadvantages. Social media has its peculiar advantages and disadvantages just as every other technology available to the public for use. Generally, an innovation can either lead to advancement or destruction. Social media has an infinite benefit for graphic designers, however at the same time; it can demonstrate to be having extremely unfortunate or dire consequences. With abundance of internet connectivity and its low cost availability, social media has become the most inexpensive of all promotional media. Also, social media provide the designers an opportunity to learn from fellow designers and put that learned thing into their practice. In spite of the fact that social media provides enormous benefits to graphic designers, its overindulgence is bad. Likewise, too much indulgence in the social media websites may render most designers unproductive and redundant because designers often forget their basic work and go off-the-track from their main purpose and functional duties. It is of this backdrop that this article seeks to find the impact of social media on graphic designers; tailored to unravel the associated benefits and disadvantages derived from the use of social network platforms. This article presents an equilibrated analysis of social media and its impacts on graphic designers. Materials and Methods This is a qualitative research which seeks to investigate the impact of social media on graphic designers in Ghana. Observations and in-depth interviews were used to examine designers participation in online social media networks and its impact as they discharge their functional duties and responsibilities in their respective organizations. The sample frame of this research was drawn from all advertising companies, printing houses, printing presses and marketing companies in the Kumasi metropolis. This was because most of the graphic designers work with these companies and discharge similar or almost the same duties.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Relay Services for the Deaf Essay -- essays papers

Relay Services for the Deaf In America, there are more than 28 million deaf people but there are many different services available to meet their needs. A hearing person can have a casual conversation without even realizing the difficulties that 202,613 (5.58%) hard of hearing people might face in the world (Stat. on Deafness). It doesn’t have to be so difficult for a deaf/hard of hearing person to have a conversation even if the person they are talking to is in another state. With popular services such as Maryland Relay, the TTY and various telecommunications relay services- it is now possible for deaf people to have a phone conversation. In 1984, of the 85 million telephones in the United States and Canada, less than one percent were used regularly by deaf people (Lang). Advocates for deaf, Robert H. Weitbrecht, James C. Marsters and Andrew Saks â€Å"started the process that led to deaf people around the world having an affordable phone system they could use† (Lang). The new technology that is coming out assist deaf people is amazing and very helpful. Robert H. Weitbrecht led the way to developing one of the most popular technology services for the deaf- the teletypewriter using shortwave radios. If more than 1/3 of the U.S. population has a significant hearing impairment by age 65, it is evident that something needed to be done to help people in the world better communicate with the deaf/hard of hearing population (Stat. on Deafness). One advancement in the world of relay services is the teletypewriter-TTY, also called text telephones, which looks similar to a typewriter with a text screen. It enables deaf or hard of hearing people to make phone calls that they wouldn’t normally be able to make on a standard teleph... ....rm Overview of the Maryland Relay. (2003). Retrieved October 17, 2004, from PR Newswire. "Hands on Expands Video Relay Services to include Videophone Users." Deaf Today. â€Å"Statistics on Deafness & Hearing Disorders in the U.S.† (n.d) Deaf and HOH culture information. Retrieved December 5, 2004, from, Texas School for the Deaf goes to the head of the class...with Installation of Sprint Empowered EducationSM. (n.d.). Retrieved October 17, 2004, from, â€Å"Ultratec Public TTY Hearing Impaired Telephones -Vandal Proof Motorized or Shelf Top Units.†(n.d) Phone Merchants. Retrieved December 4, 2004, from

Saturday, October 12, 2019

the female care product :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å" Why do you always complain about your cramps and your uncomfortability. Look at these people; they’re having a good time while on there period.† That’s what I told my girlfriend when looking at a recent tampon ad. It’s funny though, that this particular ad we were looking at, was talking about how they (the tampons) don’t hurt, how they helped conquer fear and also the race of people that it used.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   When I first look at this ad I see two girls and a guy playing Frisbee. It seems like a fun atmosphere, so it caught my eye. In one picture they show a girl taking the Frisbee away from a guy and in the next she is taking it away from a girl. It’s a happy ad that shows two girls possibly on there period. Which in the case of the product being sold an underlying meaning of you can have fun and still be on your period could be inferred.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Sweet!!! (and I was almost a no-show ‘cause I thought using a tampon would hurt.) Obviously the advertisers are saying that these specific types of tampons are comfortable. It’s a smart move to make this the very first thing you see in the ad because this automatically assures the consumer that this product is not harmful in anyway. In a buyer’s eyes this will trigger a need to be safe. Most people nowadays are risk adverse and try to avoid all possible situations that compromise they’re safety. So by reiterating that this product is comfortable, the buyer already feels â€Å"protected† without even knowing it. Although you must consider this, everybody has a different body stature and what is comfortable to a â€Å"regular† sized woman or lady might not be comfortable to an overweight or smaller woman or lady.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"The continuous pressure is to create ads more and more in the image of audience motives and desires.†(Marshall McLuhan, pg. 61 cc) The tampon advertisers must know this to be true being that they affiliate the need to dominate with the ad. â€Å"Playtex helped me conquer my fears, then Jill and I conquered the boys!† Being that this was stated in the ad, the main character of our advertisement had an enormous fear of using tampons, possibly because foreign objects in small places can be intruding and painful. But she was reassured by trying the product herself. Also some of her fears might have been odors, even though the captions do not mention deodorants or scents to the tampons.

Friday, October 11, 2019

The Host Chapter 9: Discovered

I drove quickly through the I-10 junction as the sun fell behind me. I didn't see much besides the white and yellow lines on the pavement, and the occasional big green sign pointing me farther east. I was in a hurry now. I wasn't sure exactly what I was in a hurry for, though. To be out of this, I supposed. Out of pain, out of sadness, out of aching for lost and hopeless loves. Did that mean out of this body? I couldn't think of any other answer. I would still ask my questions of the Healer, but it felt as though the decision was made. Skipper. Quitter. I tested the words in my head, trying to come to terms with them. If I could find a way, I would keep Melanie out of the Seeker's hands. It would be very hard. No, it would be impossible. I would try. I promised her this, but she wasn't listening. She was still dreaming. Giving up, I thought, now that it was too late for giving up to help. I tried to stay clear of the red canyon in her head, but I was there, too. No matter how hard I tried to see the cars zooming beside me, the shuttles gliding in toward the port, the few, fine clouds drifting overhead, I couldn't pull completely free of her dreams. I memorized Jared's face from a thousand different angles. I watched Jamie shoot up in a sudden growth spurt, always skin and bones. My arms ached for them both-no, the feeling was sharper than an ache, blade-edged and violent. It was intolerable. I had to get out. I drove almost blindly along the narrow two-lane freeway. The desert was, if anything, more monotonous and dead than before. Flatter, more colorless. I would make it to Tucson long before dinnertime. Dinner. I hadn't eaten yet today, and my stomach rumbled as I realized that. The Seeker would be waiting for me there. My stomach rolled then, hunger momentarily replaced with nausea. Automatically, my foot eased off the gas. I checked the map on the passenger seat. Soon I would reach a little pit stop at a place called Picacho Peak. Maybe I would stop to eat something there. Put off seeing the Seeker a few precious moments. As I thought of this unfamiliar name-Picacho Peak-there was a strange, stifled reaction from Melanie. I couldn't make it out. Had she been here before? I searched for a memory, a sight or a smell that corresponded, but found nothing. Picacho Peak. Again, there was that spike of interest that Melanie repressed. What did the words mean to her? She retreated into faraway memories, avoiding me. This made me curious. I drove a little faster, wondering if the sight of the place would trigger something. A solitary mountain peak-not massive by normal standards, but towering above the low, rough hills closer to me-was beginning to take shape on the horizon. It had an unusual, distinctive shape. Melanie watched it grow as we traveled, pretending indifference to it. Why did she pretend not to care when she so obviously did? I was disturbed by her strength when I tried to find out. I couldn't see any way around the old blank wall. It felt thicker than usual, though I'd thought it was almost gone. I tried to ignore her, not wanting to think about that-that she was growing stronger. I watched the peak instead, tracing its shape against the pale, hot sky. There was something familiar about it. Something I was sure I recognized, even as I was positive that neither of us had been here before. Almost as if she was trying to distract me, Melanie plunged into a vivid memory of Jared, catching me by surprise. I shiver in my jacket, straining my eyes to see the muted glare of the sun dying behind the thick, bristly trees. I tell myself that it is not as cold as I think it is. My body just isn't used to this. The hands that are suddenly there on my shoulders do not startle me, though I am afraid of this unfamiliar place and I did not hear his silent approach. Their weight is too familiar. â€Å"You're easy to sneak up on.† Even now, there is a smile in his voice. â€Å"I saw you coming before you took the first step,† I say without turning. â€Å"I have eyes in the back of my head.† Warm fingers stroke my face from my temple to my chin, dragging fire along my skin. â€Å"You look like a dryad hidden here in the trees,† he whispers in my ear. â€Å"One of them. So beautiful that you must be fictional.† â€Å"We should plant more trees around the cabin.† He chuckles, and the sound makes my eyes close and my lips stretch into a grin. â€Å"Not necessary,† he says. â€Å"You always look that way.† â€Å"Says the last man on Earth to the last woman on Earth, on the eve of their separation.† My smile fades as I speak. Smiles cannot last today. He sighs. His breath on my cheek is warm compared to the chill forest air. â€Å"Jamie might resent that implication.† â€Å"Jamie's still a boy. Please, please keep him safe.† â€Å"I'll make you a deal,† Jared offers. â€Å"You keep yourself safe, and I'll do my best. Otherwise, no deal.† Just a joke, but I can't take it lightly. Once we are apart, there are no guarantees. â€Å"No matter what happens,† I insist. â€Å"Nothing's going to happen. Don't worry.† The words are nearly meaningless. A waste of effort. But his voice is worth hearing, no matter the message. â€Å"Okay.† He pulls me around to face him, and I lean my head against his chest. I don't know what to compare his scent to. It is his own, as unique as the smell of juniper or the desert rain. â€Å"You and I won't lose each other,† he promises. â€Å"I will always find you again.† Being Jared, he cannot be completely serious for more than a heartbeat or two. â€Å"No matter how well you hide. I'm unstoppable at hide-and-seek.† â€Å"Will you give me to the count of ten?† â€Å"Without peeking.† â€Å"You're on,† I mumble, trying to disguise the fact that my throat is thick with tears. â€Å"Don't be afraid. You'll be fine. You're strong, you're fast, and you're smart.† He's trying to convince himself, too. Why am I leaving him? It's such a long shot that Sharon is still human. But when I saw her face on the news, I was so sure. It was just a normal raid, one of a thousand. As usual when we felt isolated enough, safe enough, we had the TV on as we cleaned out the pantry and fridge. Just to get the weather forecast; there isn't much entertainment in the dead-boring everything-is-perfect reports that pass for news among the parasites. It was the hair that caught my eye-the flash of deep, almost pink red that I'd only ever seen on one person. I can still see the look on her face as she peeked at the camera from the corner of one eye. The look that said, I'm trying to be invisible; don't see me. She walked not quite slowly enough, working too hard at keeping a casual pace. Trying desperately to blend in. No body snatcher would feel that need. What is Sharon doing walking around human in a huge city like Chicago? Are there others? Trying to find her doesn't even seem like a choice, really. If there is a chance there are more humans out there, we have to locate them. And I have to go alone. Sharon will run from anyone but me-well, she will run from me, too, but maybe she will pause long enough for me to explain. I am sure I know her secret place. â€Å"And you?† I ask him in a thick voice. I'm not sure I can physically bear this looming goodbye. â€Å"Will you be safe?† â€Å"Neither heaven nor hell can keep me apart from you, Melanie.† Without giving me a chance to catch my breath or wipe away the fresh tears, she threw another at me. Jamie curls up under my arm-he doesn't fit the way he used to. He has to fold in on himself, his long, gangly limbs poking out in sharp angles. His arms are starting to turn hard and sinewy, but in this moment he's a child, shaking, cowering almost. Jared is loading the car. Jamie would not show this fear if he were here. Jamie wants to be brave, to be like Jared. â€Å"I'm scared,† he whispers. I kiss his night-dark hair. Even here among the sharp, resinous trees, it smells like dust and sun. It feels like he is part of me, that to separate us will tear the skin where we are joined. â€Å"You'll be fine with Jared.† I have to sound brave, whether I feel that way or not. â€Å"I know that. I'm scared for you. I'm scared you won't come back. Like Dad.† I flinch. When Dad didn't come back-though his body did eventually, trying to lead the Seekers to us-it was the most horror and the most fear and the most pain I'd ever felt. What if I do that to Jamie again? â€Å"I'll come back. I always come back.† â€Å"I'm scared,† he says again. I have to be brave. â€Å"I promise everything will be fine. I'm coming back. I promise. You know I won't break a promise, Jamie. Not to you.† The shaking slows. He believes me. He trusts me. And another: I can hear them on the floor below. They will find me in minutes, or seconds. I scrawl the words on a dirty shred of newsprint. They are nearly illegible, but if he finds them, he will understand: Not fast enough. Love you love Jamie. Don't go home. Not only do I break their hearts, I steal their refuge, too. I picture our little canyon home abandoned, as it must be forever now. Or if not abandoned, a tomb. I see my body leading the Seekers to it. My face smiling as we catch them there†¦ â€Å"Enough,† I said out loud, cringing away from the whiplash of pain. â€Å"Enough! You've made your point! I can't live without them either now. Does that make you happy? Because it doesn't leave me many choices, does it? Just one-to get rid of you. Do you want the Seeker inside you? Ugh!† I recoiled from the thought as if I would be the one to house her. There is another choice, Melanie thought softly. â€Å"Really?† I demanded with heavy sarcasm. â€Å"Show me one.† Look and see. I was still staring at the mountain peak. It dominated the landscape, a sudden upthrust of rock surrounded by flat scrubland. Her interest pulled my eyes over the outline, tracing the uneven two-pronged crest. A slow, rough curve, then a sharp turn north, another sudden turn back the other way, twisting back to the north for a longer stretch, and then the abrupt southern decline that flattened out into another shallow curve. Not north and south, the way I'd always seen the lines in her piecemeal memories; it was up and down. The profile of a mountain peak. The lines that led to Jared and Jamie. This was the first line, the starting point. I could find them. We could find them, she corrected me. You don't know all the directions. Just like with the cabin, I never gave you everything. â€Å"I don't understand. Where does it lead? How does a mountain lead us?† My pulse beat faster as I thought of it: Jared was close. Jamie, within my reach. She showed me the answer. â€Å"They're just lines. And Uncle Jeb is just an old lunatic. A nut job, like the rest of my dad's family.† I try to tug the book out of Jared's hands, but he barely seems to notice my effort. â€Å"A nut job, like Sharon's mom?† he counters, still studying the dark pencil marks that deface the back cover of the old photo album. It's the one thing I haven't lost in all the running. Even the graffiti loony Uncle Jeb left on it during his last visit has sentimental value now. â€Å"Point taken.† If Sharon is still alive, it will be because her mother, loony Aunt Maggie, could give loony Uncle Jeb a run for the title of Craziest of the Crazy Stryder Siblings. My father had been only slightly touched by the Stryder madness-he didn't have a secret bunker in the backyard or anything. The rest of them, his sister and brothers, Aunt Maggie, Uncle Jeb, and Uncle Guy, were the most devoted of conspiracy theorists. Uncle Guy had died before the others disappeared during the invasion, in a car accident so commonplace that even Maggie and Jeb had struggled to make an intrigue out of it. My father always affectionately referred to them as the Crazies. â€Å"I think it's time we visited the Crazies,† Dad would announce, and then Mom would groan-which is why such announcements had happened so seldom. On one of those rare visits to Chicago, Sharon had snuck me into her mother's hidey-hole. We got caught-the woman had booby traps every-where. Sharon was scolded soundly, and though I was sworn to secrecy, I'd had a sense Aunt Maggie might build a new sanctuary. But I remember where the first is. I picture Sharon there now, living the life of Anne Frank in the middle of an enemy city. We have to find her and bring her home. Jared interrupts my reminiscing. â€Å"Nut jobs are exactly the kind of people who will have survived. People who saw Big Brother when he wasn't there. People who suspected the rest of humanity before the rest of humanity turned dangerous. People with hiding places ready.† Jared grins, still study-ing the lines. And then his voice is heavier. â€Å"People like my father. If he and my brothers had hidden rather than fought†¦ Well, they'd still be here.† My tone is softer, hearing the pain in his. â€Å"Okay, I agree with the theory. But these lines don't mean anything.† â€Å"Tell me again what he said when he drew them.† I sigh. â€Å"They were arguing-Uncle Jeb and my dad. Uncle Jeb was trying to convince him that something was wrong, telling him not to trust anyone. Dad laughed it off. Jeb grabbed the photo album from the end table and started†¦ almost carving the lines into the back cover with a pencil. Dad got mad, said my mom would be angry. Jeb said, Linda's mom asked you all to come up for a visit, right? Kind of strange, out of the blue? Got a little upset when only Linda would come? Tell you the truth, Trev, I don't think Linda will be minding anything much when she gets back. Oh, she might act like it, but you'll be able to tell the difference.' It didn't make sense at the time, but what he said really upset my dad. He ordered Uncle Jeb out of the house. Jeb wouldn't leave at first. Kept warning us not to wait until it was too late. He grabbed my shoulder and pulled me into his side. Don't let 'em get you, honey,' he whispered. Follow the lines. Start at the beginning and follow the l ines. Uncle Jeb'll keep a safe place for you.' That's when Dad shoved him out the door.† Jared nods absently, still studying. â€Å"The beginning†¦ the beginning†¦ It has to mean something.† â€Å"Does it? They're just squiggles, Jared. It's not like a map-they don't even connect.† â€Å"There's something about the first one, though. Something familiar. I could swear I've seen it somewhere before.† I sigh. â€Å"Maybe he told Aunt Maggie. Maybe she got better directions.† â€Å"Maybe,† he says, and continues to stare at Uncle Jeb's squiggles. She dragged me back in time, to a much, much older memory-a memory that had escaped her for a long while. I was surprised to realize that she had only put these memories, the old and the fresh, together recently. After I was here. That was why the lines had slipped through her careful control despite the fact that they were one of the most precious of her secrets-because of the urgency of her discovery. In this blurry early memory, Melanie sat in her father's lap with the same album-not so tattered then-open in her hands. Her hands were tiny, her fingers stubby. It was very strange to remember being a child in this body. They were on the first page. â€Å"Do you remember where this is?† Dad asks, pointing to the old gray picture at the top of the page. The paper looks thinner than the other photographs, as if it has worn down-flatter and flatter and flatter-since some great-great-grandpa took it. â€Å"It's where we Stryders come from,† I answer, repeating what I've been taught. â€Å"Right. That's the old Stryder ranch. You went there once, but I bet you don't remember it. I think you were eighteen months old.† Dad laughs. â€Å"It's been Stryder land since the very beginning†¦Ã¢â‚¬  And then the memory of the picture itself. A picture she'd looked at a thousand times without ever seeing it. It was black and white, faded to grays. A small rustic wooden house, far away on the other side of a desert field; in the foreground, a split-rail fence; a few equine shapes between the fence and the house. And then, behind it all, the sharp, familiar profile†¦ There were words, a label, scrawled in pencil across the top white border: Stryder Ranch, 1904, in the morning shadow of†¦ â€Å"Picacho Peak,† I said quietly. He'll have figured it out, too, even if they never found Sharon. I know Jared will have put it together. He's smarter than me, and he has the picture; he probably saw the answer before I did. He could be so close†¦ The thought had her so filled with yearning and excitement that the blank wall in my head slipped entirely. I saw the whole journey now, saw her and Jared's and Jamie's careful trek across the country, always by night in their inconspicuous stolen vehicle. It took weeks. I saw where she'd left them in a wooded preserve outside the city, so different from the empty desert they were used to. The cold forest where Jared and Jamie would hide and wait had felt safer in some ways-because the branches were thick and concealing, unlike the spindly desert foliage that hid little-but also more dangerous in its unfamiliar smells and sounds. Then the separation, a memory so painful we skipped through it, flinching. Next came the abandoned building she'd hidden in, watching the house across the street for her chance. There, concealed within the walls or in the secret basement, she hoped to find Sharon. I shouldn't have let you see that, Melanie thought. The faintness of her silent voice gave away her fatigue. The assault of memories, the persuasion and coercion, had tired her. You'll tell them where to find her. You'll kill her, too. â€Å"Yes,† I mused aloud. â€Å"I have to do my duty.† Why? she murmured, almost sleepily. What happiness will it bring you? I didn't want to argue with her, so I said nothing. The mountain loomed larger ahead of us. In moments, we would be beneath it. I could see a little rest stop with a convenience store and a fast food restaurant bordered on one side by a flat, concrete space-a place for mobile homes. There were only a few in residence now, with the heat of the coming summer making things uncomfortable. What now? I wondered. Stop for a late lunch or an early dinner? Fill my gas tank and then continue on to Tucson in order to reveal my fresh discoveries to the Seeker? The thought was so repellent that my jaw locked against the sudden heave of my empty stomach. I slammed on the brake reflexively, screeching to a stop in the middle of the lane. I was lucky; there were no cars to hit me from behind. There were also no drivers to stop and offer their help and concern. For this moment, the highway was empty. The sun beat down on the pavement, making it shimmer, disappear in places. This shouldn't have felt like a betrayal, the idea of continuing on my right and proper course. My first language, the true language of the soul that was spoken only on our planet of origin, had no word for betrayal or traitor. Or even loyalty-because without the existence of an opposite, the concept had no meaning. And yet I felt a deep well of guilt at the very idea of the Seeker. It would be wrong to tell her what I knew. Wrong, how? I countered my own thought viciously. If I stopped here and listened to the seductive suggestions of my host, I would truly be a traitor. That was impossible. I was a soul. And yet I knew what I wanted, more powerfully and vividly than anything I had ever wanted in all the eight lives I'd lived. The image of Jared's face danced behind my eyelids when I blinked against the sun-not Melanie's memory this time, but my memory of hers. She forced nothing on me now. I could barely feel her in my head as she waited-I imagined her holding her breath, as if that were possible-for me to make my decision. I could not separate myself from this body's wants. It was me, more than I'd ever intended it to be. Did I want or did it want? Did that distinction even matter now? In my rearview mirror, the glint of the sun off a distant car caught my eye. I moved my foot to the accelerator, starting slowly toward the little store in the shadow of the peak. There was really only one thing to do.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Essay on Black Boy

Black Boy Richard Wright wrote Black Boy which is a biography about his life in the south. He was born September 4th 1908 in Mississippi. He was raised in the turbulent times in the south where race relations were very tense. He has written several books besides Black Boy, such as Uncle Tom’s Children, Native Son, and The Outsider. Black Boy was published in 1945 and was received with open arms from the black community but however it saw a great opposition in the south.They believed that it portrayed a false representation and it was nothing but a book for slander. There was then an attempt to have it banned for social reasons. It was not only because of the negative aspect of the south but also to try and squander the literary advancement of a black person. This book is an autobiography of Richard Wright explaining the injustices and social stigmas that he had to go through as a child and young man.His frustrations with his living conditions eventually erupt so much he escape s to the north after saving his money and living frugally. This book also shows how terrible the treatment of blacks were at that time. The jobs they were allowed to maintain, their living conditions, and especially the suppression of them intellectually is a huge theme that is strung throughout the book. I believe that this book should be available to everyone that will gain something beneficial from it.By that I mean this book isn’t suitable for young children not only because some of the things said are vulgar and violent but it wouldn’t give them a message that they would understand. It would only confuse them and expose them to words that they would abuse without knowing the true meaning or context. In the issue of banning from the public I don’t agree with that at all. Just because people in power don’t enjoy having their dirty laundry out in the public isn’t a legitimate reason for a book to be banned from the public.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Essay on The Problem Of Hiv / Aids -- Immune system, HIV, AIDS, Vaccine

Although HIV is no longer the death sentence it was back in the 80’s, it remains a thorn even in our modern societies. For instance, HIV treatment is exponentially expensive, and can only be afforded by people residing in developed countries. In fact most third world nations, are still in the 80’s as far as HIV treatment technology is concerned. In 2011 alone over two and half million people died of AIDS, with the continent of Africa topping the list (Gallo 267). With prices, for HIV medication up the roof and the virus becoming more resistant to medications there is nothing such as a happy ending for 50 million people world wide still leaving with the disease (Gallo 267). The clock is ticking not just for the forty million, but also, for the sci... ... middle of paper ... ...n the end only Kaprowsky knows . To even consider those who we trust with our life may have invented the worst disease that has cause over 26 million fatalies so far is unimaginable(Gallo 266). Hoopers theory is not neccesarily a smoking gun but it does raise questions on the credibility of doctors. Hoopers intentions in writing his book the river wasn’t to point a finger but to raise awareness of how often medical errors occur with the minority being used as the guinea pigs; Nevertheless, for magic and all the millions of people living with AIDS the fight continues, a fight to decrease aids fatalities and find a cure, in this fight only one person has been cured so far, the famous berlin patient but as for the other forty million there is reason to hope,that in this developing technology that one day AIDS will be a dark history, surely nothing lasts forever.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

&quot;Financing, Valuation, and Rating Agencies&quot; Coursework

"Financing, Valuation, and Rating Agencies" - Coursework Example Equity financing involves the sale of ownership right to interested partners. The money raised through equity financing is much higher than any other form of funding and is not limited or regulated (Williams, 2012). Investors can pump in money that the convenience store can overcome startup hurdles and grow in a very short period. The money contributed by investors is not returnable; thus the store will run till it breaks even so as to start the cash recovery. Shareholders bring along valuable skills and information to the convenience store. It is easier to achieve a target when different people are working towards the goal than when alone (Chandra, 2010). There are high expectations of success and responsibility as compared to debt financing. Capital raised from debt financing is limited and returnable. Expectations are low for debt financing as compared to equity funding, and collateral may limit finance required. Convenience stores are excellent avenues for revenue generation. Capital required is high as the risk of running it also stands high. With equity financing, enough money can be raised to steer off high growth and develop a consumer-oriented

Monday, October 7, 2019

Race in Ancient Egypt Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Race in Ancient Egypt - Research Paper Example There are various theories that seek to establish the origins and hence the race of the people of Egypt. This paper will seek to demonstrate that the ancient Egyptians did not originate from one specific race. It will seek to demonstrate that the ancient Egyptian population resembles a melting pot, where groups from different regions were integrated into the Egyptian population. Background In terms of geography, the ancient Egyptians regarded Egypt as being divided into two kinds of land. These included the ‘red land’ and the ‘black land’. The black land comprised the fertile lands along the banks of river Nile. The ancient Egyptians used this to grow crops (Shuter 1999). It was the only land that could be farmed. This is because the soil was comprised of a rich layer of black silt. This was deposited when the Nile flooded. The red land referred to the barren desert on the two sides of the black land. The deserts separated the ancient Egyptians from invading enemies and surrounding countries. There were also sources of semi-precious and precious metals. However, before the days of the pharaohs (before 5000 BC), Ancient Egypt is believed to have been fertile and full of vegetation (Shuter 1999). In these times, there was no need to settle along the Nile. Many hunters and gatherers tribes conglomerated around in a nomadic fashion. Most of these are believed to have been of different origins and ethnicities. ... Those from the south (Upper parts of Egypt) originated in Nubia. Therefore, they had curlier hair and darker skin. In 3100 BC, Narmer united the land and commenced the Pharaonic period. Henceforth, the geography of the country changed, and ancient Egypt became one country. Today, the distinction of tribes can be seen in Egypt. The people who inhabit Aswan and Luxor are predominantly of Nubian influence. Those from Cairo or Alexandria are predominantly of Arabian influence. As seen above, River Nile had an imperative role in unifying the various tribes and races. The Nile River would flood on roughly yearly basis. After flooding, it created a fertile strip of land by the provision of silt. In this fertile strip, the Ancient Egyptian races would grow fruits and vegetables. Farming brought different races together in Ancient Egypt. In the period of the Pharaohs, everyone was made to gather crops together in harvesting season (Shuter 1999). The economy of ancient Egypt was based on grain s and wheat. For over 5000 years, the farmers created a civilization that was based on the union of the Nile River and the land. Important crops harvested during this times included emmer, barley, wheat, flax, papyrus reeds and castor oil. Some of these were exported to outside lands such as the Roman Empire. Race is an ill defined concept which is used to describe a population. In the ancient times, race was first recognized, described and finally classified using arbitrary and non-scientific methods. Despite the methods used to classify humans, there is substantial evidence that the human race originates from a single species. Biologists describe race as the difference in gene frequency in a given population. The difference is attributed